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Common Library Policies-
- Who can use library physical and digital resources?
All current William Jewell College students, staff, and faculty are eligible to use digital and physical library resources.
- Where are the books located?
The physical book collection (+100,000) titles is on the Intermediate Floor of Curry Hall. This is located one floor below the main Quad side floor of Curry Hall, and is accessible 24/7 by swipe access on the south side of Curry Hall. If you know the book you're looking for, click on the
The library's e-books are available through the library's e-book databases and searching in Discovery. Click on the Find Books tab in this guide to begin a search.
- What are the library hours?
The hours for library services in Curry Hall and the 2nd Floor of the PLC are available by clicking here. They generally change from semester to semester.
- How can I renew a book?
You may renew a physical Curry Library or MOBIUS book (if it isn't overdue) by logging onto your library account here. Credentials are your WJC ID number + WJ campus code. Ex. 1234567WJ . Once you are logged in, select the book(s) you wish you renew and click on the If your book is overdue it must be returned.
To renew an Interlibrary Loan book, contact the library at
- Where can I find items on Course Reserve?
Click here and search for your instructor by last name (ex. Smith, Jane), or class by subject and section (POL 250).
If items have a status of AVAILABLE they are not checked out. Course Reserves are available to check out from the Reserve Room on the 2nd Floor of the PLC.
- How can I request books/articles from another library?
Click here to learn more about requesting materials from other libraries using the Interlibrary Loan and MOBIUS services. Both of these services are freely available to WJC students, staff, and faculty.
- I requested a book from another library, where can I pick it up?
Books requested through Interlibrary Loan/MOBIUS will be available to pickup from the hold shelf. Currently, the shelf is located on the Intermediate Floor of Curry Hall. Once a requested title from Interlibrary Loan or MOBIUS arrives you will receive an email notification in your WJC email. Once they have arrived books are generally kept on the hold shelf for two weeks unless otherwise requested.