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Interlibrary Loan Guide: Request a Book

Describing the policies and procedures of Curry Library’s Interlibrary Loan (ILL) services, including MOBIUS and Prospector.

Best Practices on Locating a Book

When looking for a physical book, it's recommended to check in the following locations in this order to locate the soonest available copy:

  1. From Curry Library - search the Curry Library Catalog
  2. From the MOBIUS Catalog
  3. From OCLC Worldshare

To review estimated shipping and checkout times from each location, please review the chart on the Interlibrary Loan Basics tab.

Requesting a Book

To search for a book directly in the Discovery service, you may use the search box below. 

You may also start a search in Discovery from the library homepage. Link below.

The beginning search option will always be for the EBSCO Discovery Services. 

A search for a book title should include a Curry Library copy in the search results if one is available. For instructions on how to request a book whose record appears in Discovery but isn't in Curry Library, click on the "Requesting from OCLC Worldshare" tab.

When searching in Discovery, you may also limit your results to only physical books using the limiter on the left side of the screen. This will limit your search to only books available in Curry Library.

To request a physical book in your search results, click on the blue "View in Catalog" option in the book's search summary.


Clicking on "View in Catalog" will take you to the books record in the Curry Library Catalog. 

If the books status is AVAILABLE it may be requested. To request the book, click the grey "Request" button in the book's record. 

You will need to enter in your library account credentials to request the book. 

This will be your first name last name and your seven digit ID number followed without a space by WJ (WJ may be either upper or lower case). Example below. 

Your name: Taylor Swift

Unique Campus ID: 1234567WJ

After you have entered in your credentials, you will be asked for any special instructions and a cancellation date for the request. If you have no preference you may ignore both. When you are ready, click "Submit". 

If your request was successful you should see the following screen. If your request was unsuccessful, please contact the library directly at

Note: Pickup at Curry Library Hold-Shelf. See link below for more information.

To search for a book directly in the Curry Library Catalog, you may use the search box below.

You may also start a search in the Curry Library Catalog from either the Library homepage or the Catalog site. Links below.

The beginning search option on the library homepage will be set to Discovery. To search in the Curry Book Catalog change the search option to "Curry Book Catalog". 

A search from the library website will default as a keyword search. You may limit the search to a title search instead in the top of the search results. 

If there is a book in the search results you would like to request, you may click the grey "Request" button in the book's search summary or in the book's record. 


Any book whose status is AVAILABLE may be requested immediately from Curry Library. If the book is not AVAILABLE it will be requested from MOBIUS instead if another copy is available. For more information, see the "Requesting From MOBIUS" tab.

You will need to enter in your library account credentials to request the book. 

This will be your first name last name and your seven digit ID number followed without a space by WJ (WJ may be either upper or lower case). Example below. 

Your name: Taylor Swift

Unique Campus ID: 1234567WJ

After you have entered in your credentials, you will be asked for any special instructions and a cancellation date for the request. If you have no preference you may ignore both. When you are ready, click "Submit". 

If your request was successful you should see the following screen. If your request was unsuccessful, please contact the library directly at

Note: Pickup at Curry Library Holds Shelf. See link below for more information.

To search for a book directly in the MOBIUS catalog you can use the search box below.

You may also visit the MOBIUS catalog using the link below.

To search for a book in the MOBIUS catalog you may also begin on the library homepage. In the main search box, switch the searching option from "Discovery" to "MOBIUS Catalog". 

Any search terms will be passed through to the MOBIUS Catalog.

Within the search results you may add filters on the left side of the screen or adjust your search at the top search bar or click into an individual record in the search results. 

Clicking on the books title will take you into its record and you are able to view its availability. If the book is listed as "AVAILABLE" you can put in the request. To request the book, click the grey "Request it" button in the books record.

Note: only physical books are able to be requested via the MOBIUS catalog. Physical books will show a "Book/Journal" status in its record. 

Afterward, a pop up will appear with a list for options of your home library. Choose the option for "MOBIUS - William Jewell College," then click the button "Submit above information." 

On the next screen, enter in your First Name Last Name (Ex. Taylor Swift) in the first field, then your seven digit ID number followed without a space by wj (Ex. 1234567wj) in the second field. If you wish to pick up the book at Curry Library, leave the Pickup Library option as "MOBIUS - William Jewell College." Click "Submit" to finish the request. 

After submitting the request, a message will appear stating the request is successful or that there is an issue with your account preventing the request. If there is an issue please contact the library directly. 

When your book is available to be picked up you will receive an email notification. For more information on picking up your requests, use the link below.

OCLC WorldShare Limits

Books may be requested from OCLC WorldShare lenders if there is not an available copy in Curry Library, MOBIUS, nor Prospector. It is highly recommended that any patron wishing to request a book through OCLC WorldShare check in these locations first. Failure to do so may result in a delay in acquiring a usable copy. See previous tabs in this box for instructions on requesting from Curry Library, MOBIUS, and Prospector. 

Curry Library users may request a number of resources through OCLC WorldShare including physical resources such as books, DVDs, and CDs, as well as some digital resources including individual journal articles and individual eBook chapters. The library is unable to request whole eBooks due to copyright limitations.

  • For more information on copyright related to Interlibrary Loan, see the "Copyright Issues and Limits" tab. 
  • For instructions on requesting a digital article, see the "Request an Article" tab. 
  • To request a chapter of a book or eBook, include the chapter's title and page number in the ILL book request form. 
    • Note: due to copyright restrictions book chapter requests generally may not exceed 10% of the books total length. 

Requesting an OCLC WorldShare book through Discovery

Book search results in Discovery that do not include a link to a physical copy in Curry or an eBook copy will include a link to a ILL book request form. The link will read "Request this item through Interlibrary Loan."

Once you click on the link, the items information will pre-fill into the form. Indicate that you have already searched for a copy of the book in MOBIUS and Prospector, add your contact information, and click "Submit." 

Submitted ILL requests will be reviewed and fulfilled by library employees within 24 business hours. When a request is processed, a confirmation email will be sent to your William Jewell College email address. When the book is available to pick up, you will also receive an email notification. Generally, books requested through OCLC WorldShare come through the postal service and require 7-10 business days to arrive. 

Upon arrival, the book will be available to pick up on the hold shelf on the intermediate floor of Curry Hall. For more information on picking up your requests, use the link below. 

Requesting an OCLC WorldShare book directly via the request form

Books may be requested from OCLC WorldShare directly via a blank copy of the request form available on the Curry Library homepage. To locate the form, find the Request Materials menu and select the "ILL Book Request Form" option. 

After beginning the form, indicate that you have already searched for a copy of the book in MOBIUS and Prospector, fill in the books necessary information, add your contact information, and click "Submit." 

Submitted ILL requests will be reviewed and fulfilled by library employees within 24 business hours. When a request is processed, a confirmation email will be sent to your William Jewell College email address. When the book is available to pick up, you will also receive an email notification. Generally, books requested through OCLC WorldShare come through the postal service and require 7-10 business days to arrive. 

Upon arrival, the book will be available to pick up on the hold shelf on the intermediate floor of Curry Hall. For more information on picking up your requests, use the link below.