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Student Services Guide

Descriptions and links to services offer by Curry Library to WJC students.

Accessing Ebooks and Databases

Curry Library provides access to hundreds of thousands digital resources including ebooks and journal articles. The best way to access these resources is typically through the Discovery Services. 

Using Ebooks and Databases

On Desktop

To read an eBook on a desktop or laptop, go to the ebook's record in Discovery, and select either the HTML Full Text or .pdf reading options. eBooks may be downloaded through a free EBSCO account. To learn more, click on the link below

On Mobile/Tablet

The best way to access ebooks on Discovery is through the EBSCO Mobile app. Available on iOS and iPadOS below.

To access Curry Library databases, click on the link below to view an A-Z list of all Curry Library databases. Results may be filtered by subject area.

To read a journal article on the Discovery service, select either the HTML Full Text or PDF Full Text options below a journal's record summary in search results, or on the left hand side in the article's record. PDF copies of an article may be downloaded without limit.